You Must Heal Your Light Body First!
Your light body consists of unseen “subtle energies” which support your body’s innate intelligence and self healing capabilities. When these electromagnetic fields have the necessary information and are in balance, your body has the energy it needs to heal and be healthy.
Hi. My name is Lorna and as a biofield wellness consultant, I can scan and analyze your energy to identify balances and imbalances in your body. This is very important, as health issues usually have an emotional and/or spiritual root cause. One must heal the unseen “etheric body” a.k.a the etheric double, before one can heal the physical body. I am a soul level healer. Working with the information in your biofield, I clear and balance energies to support health and transformation.
I also offer EMF Testing to identify detrimental electromagnetic fields, dirty electricity, and geopathic stress in the home. I started doing these investigations before most people knew that EMF radiation was harmful and caused health issues.
If you have an issue you want help resolving, want to talk about your non-ordinary reality experiences, or are interested in any of my services or products, don’t be shy. Give me a call. I look forward to working with you.
I am the Author of “Unseen Worlds of Subtle Energy: Exploring and Verifying Energy Using Auric Field Photography”. See the energy rainbows that appear and radiate around people, places, and things.

Your aura & it’s influence on your health . . .
I offer Aura Scans in person or by phone. Schedule a Scan to clear, strengthen, and balance your 16 energy fields. Restore your aura to it’s optimal state. For detailed information about imbalances in your etheric and astral bodies, call me to make an appointment for an aura image and brain map.
Learn about subtle energy
Host a Workshop, Event or Lecture. Get new perspectives of reality that empower & inspire. Explore wellness and the power of your mind, with “Human Transformation and the Art of Creating Health.” Through unforgetable visuals, you’ll learn the meaning of colors in the human aura, experience your power of directed intention (a subtle energy), and more.
If you Love crystals, visit my store . . .

I sell an array of crystals, Check them out! (and their metaphysical properties!). To physically visit my store or to make arrangements to host a Crystal Party, call my wired phone (no text). Hours by appointment.
- Crystals & Minerals – Excellent Selection – Check them out!
- Arkansas Crystals
Grid Sets
Tibetan & Brazilian Crystals
To Book Your Personal Session or Purchase Products
Educate yourself by browsing my website. Then call me for a consultation, to make a purchase, schedule an appointment, or for answers to your questions. Call me at (518) 383-9066 – Wired phone – no text.
Join My Mailing List. Stay informed.
Copyright ©2017-2025 Lorna Reichel, All rights reserved. Photographs on this website are protected by US copyright law and may not be used for any purpose, without permission from Lorna Reichel.