EMF Surveys

If you have become concerned about unhealthy electromagnetic fields (EMFs) in your environment, I offer an onsite EMF Home Survey!

EMF Home Surveys

To find out if there are unhealthy EMFs in your home, phone me for an EMF Home Survey.  This onsite assessment will identify problem areas and objects (wireless home phones and cell phones, cell towers, Smart Meters also known as electronic meters, WIFI, exercise equipment, appliances, etc.) that may be generating unhealthy levels of EMFs. Once we know what the problems are, I can provide you with simple solutions.  This is a comprehensive survey that includes identifying geopathic stress and dirty electricity.

More on EMF Hazards.

A written report about key rooms: kitchen, bedroom, living room and computer area is available for an additional fee. Results from Assessment will enable you to make the needed changes within your living environment.

Cost:  The service fee is based on the size of your home:

  • $989.00 for a Studio Apartment
  • $1,069.00 for a 1 bedroom house or apartment
  • $1,189.00 for a 2 bedroom house or apartment – includes up to 2300 sq ft.  
  • Each additional bedroom is $125.00.
  • Each additional 1000 sq ft. is $150.00

Travel Expenses:  Apply if my drive is more than 20 miles to your location: $1.00 per mile (round trip), to cover gas, my time, etc. This charge is in addition to the service fee. 

To schedule appointment call: (518) 383-9066.

Clearing Toxic Energy

When land is subjected to dumping, chemicals and conflict, it can remain energetically toxic for years, even after the physical clean up.

maria-mihoksprayTo restore harmony & balance to the  land, Maria Mihok uses her wilderness and earth healing skills to clear toxic energies from land that has been strip mined and deforested. This photo shows Maria  applying a Biodynamic agricultural spray to facilitate transformation of toxic energies, and restoration of property to a balanced state. A place that feels good. When asked later that day, what she had sensed as she sprayed, she said she felt the vibrational frequency of the land increase and the energy expand. This photograph confirms what she was picking up, as it reveals a multi-colored auric field of rising mist. This appeared in the photo but was not visible to the eye, as she worked. Auric Field Photograph © 2007, Lorna Reichel. All Rights Reserved.

EMF Home Surveys Identify Unhealthy Energies

Karl uses dowsing rods to search for noxious energies. Non-beneficial lines of energy running through a client’s house and property were impacting the health of the residents. Statistics show that people who sleep in geopathic stress zones develop cancer and other health problems. The aura or multi-colored field of energy around Karl is a part of his personal energy field. Auric Field Photograph © 2009, Lorna Reichel. All Rights Reserved
Dangers of WIFI, EMF, Radio Frequency Radiation

http://www.bioinitiative.org/-  Health risks after exposure to low (non-thermal) levels of electromagnetic fields and radio frequency radiation.

BioInitiative 2012 Report Issues Warnings on Wireless & EMF (updated 2014 – 2022)

BioInitiative Report: Medical concerns intensify over deadly brain tumors from cell phone use/Orebro University Hospital, Sweden – Existing FCC/IEEE and ICNIRP public safety limits not adequate to protect public health.

 5G  Wireless Tech Dangers – Uses millimeter wave frequencies (~28 GHz to ~71 GHz) transmitted by small cells. http://www.bioinitiative.org/small-cell-antenna-rollout/

Ken Rohla: How to Neutralize Radiation and Chemtrails – http://freshandalive.com

Cell Towers ☢ 5G ☢ WiFi Microwaving humanity! –Shaking My Head Productions

Address Your Smart Meter Problem

How to oppose 5G “small cell” towers

InPower Episode #1: A Mass Action of Liability (2017)

InPower Episode #2 the Notice of Liability – Get detailed insight as you walk through this process paragraph-by-paragraph with co-founder Cal Washington, and hear compelling testimony from several ‘seed’ group participants. Then, send in your Notice of Liability, squarely addressing the ‘smart’ meter problem.

Take Back Your Power – Has many links for more and recent information. The award-winning documentary Take Back Your Power uncovers the shocking story behind why hundreds of local governments are standing against the multi-billion dollar rollout of ‘smart’ utility meters. Take a journey of revelation, examining evidence of in-home privacy invasions, systemic over-billing, extortion, health & environmental harm … https://takebackyourpower.net/

Stop Smart Meters.com – a grassroots campaign calling for an immediate halt and reversal of the UK’s Smart Meter programme – that will empower Big Energy at great expense to consumers. Much information and resources. https://stopsmartmeters.org.uk/

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