As people who have worked with her will tell you, Lorna’s passions for creating, building, organizing, educating, and empowering others are evident. Whether working with individual clients or speaking to groups about energy, spirituality, metaphysics & healing, she is informative and inspirational. Her ability to put facts into context and deliver them with emotional impact makes her a sought after lecturer, spiritual guide, consultant, and photographer.
Her sensitive nature is mesmerizing, and people who come to her for guidance are not disappointed. Her grounded perspective is solid and practical, yet receptive and understanding at the same time.
Lorna has a Masters degree in Photography, a BS degree in Education, Certification in RFI, Kirlian Photography and PIP Biofield Imaging from the Centre For Biofield Sciences and Centre for Human Energy Field Research (CHEFR), UK (an affiliate of the Institute of Complementary Medicine, UK), studied Advanced Taoist (ZY) Qigong Diagnosis and Treatment with Grand-master Mingtang Xu, and trained in Nutrition Response Testing. She also studied with Donna Eden, Tom Kenyon, Sam Lentine, and is a Usui Reiki Master. Motivation to explore auric fields through photography started when she attended a Harry Oldfield lecture and workshop at an ISSSEEM conference. Harry was inspirational!!
She became an advocate for senior citizens during the year and a half she spent caring for her grandmother. With a desire to put her experience and knowledge of elder care issues to use, she founded Help For Seniors Inc.. Here she oversaw the design and managed the development of an innovative elder care information system. Obtaining a grant and contract from New York State, she implemented a regional information and referral service covering an 11 county area in upstate New York.
She has exhibited her artwork in museums and art galleries across the country. Her photographs have been published in print and on websites. She has studied holistic health & vibrational healing for 35 years. She is recognized for her positive, beneficial and creative problem solving abilities. Coupled with her direct experiences, people see her as an authority. A former practitioner in the Wellness Center at Omega Institute for Holistic Studies, Rhinebeck, NY, she currently maintains a consulting practice in Clifton Park, New York.
A Pioneer in the fields of biofield imaging and subtle energy research, Lorna is available for speaking and workshops. She teaches about energy consciousness, self healing, personal transformation, and taking control of your health naturally. Her Aura Imaging and Scans, EMF Home Surveys, and other energy services are comprehensive. Her Auric Field Photographs, provide a glimpse of the invisible, and her research on auric fields, patterns of thought, & healing outcomes, offer proof that we are more than our physical bodies. We are conscious creators with the ability to change energy (matter).
Lorna has presented at annual US Psychotronics Association Conferences, Council Grove, New Growth Fellowship, American Society of Dowsers, Mohawk-Hudson Dowsers and other dowser groups, and IONs, and has been a featured guest on radio/internet talk shows. She is author of “Unseen Worlds of Subtle Energy: Exploring and Verifying Energy Using Auric Field Photography”.
“People tell me they feel better. They are impressed with my mind, heart, and integrity. I love people… working with them… helping them, and seeing them manifest higher potentials.”
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How Did You Get Interested in Holistic Medicine & Healing?
“I became aware of how natural remedies aide the body’s ability to heal itself, about 35 years ago. Several medical doctors said I had a health condition and needed an operation. My doc wanted to get me on the table as quick as possible. After hearing this, I was in shock. I kept thinking “why me?? Why Me???” A friend of mine thought I shouldn’t have the operation because it would traumatize my system. He thought he could help my body heal itself without surgery. I went to him for about 6-8 weeks. He worked on me using energy medicine, a radionics instrument, micro-currents, and crystal therapy. I also took certain vitamins and herbs, as my friend advised. When I finally went back to see my medical Doctor, who was making arrangements to schedule me for the operation, the doctor could not find any trace of the disease. My body had healed.
I spent the next 35 years studying subtle energy, auras, various types of energy healing, various energy tools & devices for healing and transformation, metaphysics, bio-fields, and related life sciences. My friend, mentor, and first teacher was Dr. Sam Lentine, a very gifted healer, bio-physicist and hypnotherapist. This highly evolved soul, taught me about the power of the mind, reality systems, subtle energy, vibration, patterns of thought, and played an important part in my spiritual development. I was fascinated by directed intent, subtle energy, and consciousness and the affects this had on health and healing. I experienced other realms. One series of experiments in particular, had a profound effect on me. It involved electronic communication with Spirit.
What Are Your Current Interests?
“There is a lot of chaos and things are changing rapidly. I want to make a difference in people’s lives. I make videos, garden, farm, and do a lot of bio-energetic testing and balancing. I gather information & measure the energy of all kinds of stuff, as well as people. Did you know that it is possible to identify areas of physiological, psychological and energetic imbalance? One can use tools, including crystals, dowsing, magnets, inert gases, computer programs, etc., with mind & heart to balance physical and non-physical imbalances. When I discovered this, I began to research patterns of thought, and the shifts that occur in the auric field when people use their intention to create well being, to clear and balance their energies, and for healing. I am also investigating electromagnetic energy fields using various meters and Biofield Imaging processes. I enjoy teaching people how to dowse and about the unseen world of subtle energy and its effects on their health. I work with clients and see them empower themselves, as they come to realize their ability to change the frequencies in their energy field at will. When people see something with their eyeballs — it effects them in a big way. Aura Imaging is exciting and I find the energy fields of people, earth energies, and other paranormal phenomena, I record, amazing.”
I study how consciousness— energy that is non-local, non-linear, and intelligent can be tapped to create health & well being. I see that for this to happen, a person must want it, believe it is possible without doubt, and allow it, otherwise the energy dissipates, and it becomes a missed opportunity. In the end, each person heals him or her self.
Areas of interest: Subtle energy, med beds, holistic health, self-healing technologies, consciousness, EMF radiation effects on people, crystals/minerals, clean food/nutrition, organic farming / gardens… (I am a Co-Host of the Weston A. Price Foundation Clifton Park Chapter) — community groups — spent many years facilitating a holistic health & self healing learning group, “All In The Mind.” I am interested in working with other people in holistic healing arts/learning center environment and establishing a physical library with physical books about healing, health, energy practices, spirituality… Lorna can be reached at (518) 383-9066 (wired phone – no text).
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