5G & WIFI Safety
Magda Havas, PhD (researcher): Published science linking EMF, 5G and effects on our immune systems.
Andrew J. Campanelli – litigation lawyer for 5G issues. Works with individuals, towns, government on legal strategies for beating telecoms at the municipal level regarding placement of cell towers, antenas, etc.
5GFree.Org – Grassroots information solutions organization in USA. Helps ordinary citizens become engaged in local 5G issues and encourages local communities to make their voices heard to elected city, state, federal representatives. and social media.
United Issues Reform.Org – Parent organization of 5GFree.Org – Educates people so they can affect CHANGE in areas that affect their lives directly. A community and voice of concerned citizens, standing up and speaking out. Mandy Jacob, the leader of the group in finding strategies/solutions to help cities, schools. (ie. created ordinance that says towers must be 500 feet from a school, to address placement of 5G instalations.) Contact form so you can sign up for those items that interest you. (877) 223-1968 or (805) 222.4702.
EMF Sleep Safe – EMF reducing products includes the EMF Sleep Switch, a remote cut off device that turns off electrical circuits (EMF) in your home that affect your sleeping area. This lowers your EMF LOAD and helps you sleep and build your immune system. Atlanta – 678-500-9200; Oregon Office – 541-787-4100; Operations – 972-849-9500; Technical Support – 541-538-9529; https://emfsleepsafe.com/
Alternative Social Media Platforms (Censorship Free)
Banned By Video –
BitChute – https://www.bitchute.com/ Watch the latest videos from your subscribed channels. To subscribe to a channel you will need a registered account.
DTube – https://d.tube/ – community powered video sharing platform where users vote on videos to reward creators, curators, influencers and viewers in cryptocurrency.
Gab – https://gab.com – Owns their own servers.
Lbry.TV – https://lbry.tv/ Open, free, and community-controlled content
Mewe – https://mewe.com/
Rumble – https://rumble.com – Replaces Youtube for a censorship free source of videos.
Telegram – Alternative to Twitter. https://telegram.org/
Parler – Alternative to Twitter. Started by Don Bongino. https://parler.com. Parler website has been de-platformed from Amazon’s AWS hosting service. Apple and Google removed Parler app from their stores
Animal Rights & Rescue Groups
National Mill Dog Rescue – www.milldogrescue.org
Hazeljaneblessings.com – www.hazeljane.com
Dogs Deserve Better – – –http://www.dogsdeservebetter.org/
Anthroposophic Medicine
An approach to medicine, physiology, pathology, and therapy, that integrates knowledge of living organisms, the psyche, life forces and the spirit. This knowledge is derived from conventional and spiritual scientific methodology. Founded by Austrian scientist and philosopher, Rudolf Steiner (1861–1925).
AnthroMed Library -A Repository of articles on Anthroposophic Medicine. www.anthromed.org
The Physicians’ Association for Anthroposophic Medicine (PAAM)
www.paam.net [email protected]
What is Ayahuasca? https://www.facebook.com/ayahuascaceremony
Biodynamic Farming & Gardening
Agricultural methods introduced by Rudolf Steiner (1861–1925), founder of Anthroposophy and Waldorf Education. Steiner researched & developed an understanding of how the unseen forces of the universe affect the health and growth of plants, animals and the vitality of the soil. Bio means life, dynamic means energy force.
Josephine Porter Institute for Applied Bio-Dynamics, Inc.
Provides gardeners and farmers with biodynamic preparations for highest quality for plants, fields and compost; Educational workshops; Books; Research
P.O. Box 133, Woolwine, VA 24185-0133
(276) 930-2463 (M-F 8AM-5PM)
Described and Captioned Media Program – Free Remote Learning resources for blind, visually impaired, deaf, hard of hearing, or deaf-blind students. www.dcmp.org Helen Keller & Anne Sullivan (1928 Video Footage with Open Captions and Audio Description)
Dr. Allan Frankel, Internist and Medical Cannabis Expert, GreenBridge Medical, Santa Monica, California. Featured on “The Sacred Plant”. https://www.greenbridgemed.com/
Ken Adachi –Repository Website for information you won’t get through mainstream media. www.educate-yourself.org
Treating Cancer
Altramed H P. Inc
Essiac® Herbal Formula from Nurse Rene M. Caisse
Canada 1-888-900-2299 (US/Canada)
Cancer News – Cancer CAUSES, News on cancer SOLUTIONS, https://cancer.news/
Bio-Medical Center
Leading holistic cancer treatment center. Costs: between $400 to $3,000 dollars, including doctor’s fees, physical examination, laboratory fees, X-rays and other radiology exams, as well as supplies and supplements.
3170 General Ferreira, Colonia Madero Sur
Tijuana, Baja California Mexico 22046
Clinic hours: 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. PST M-F
Phone: 01152 664 684 9011 – (619) 704 8442 – (619) 407 7858
e-mail: [email protected] http://www.hoxseybiomedical.com
The Hilu Institute – Dr. Raymond Hilu, M.D., Founder and Medical Director
Malaga, Spain, Avenida Calderon de la Barca s/n, Urb. Magna Marbella,
Edif Romero de Torres 1ª planta, 29660 Marbella
Tel: (+34) 952.90.77.77 Mov: (+34)665.644.304 http://www.clinicahilu.com/
[email protected]
Saisei Mirai Cancer Immunotherapy Clinics, Japan – GcMAF and/or oral Colostrum MAF macrophage activation therapy is indicated in the treatment of any diseases where there is immune dysfunction or where the immune system is compromised.” – The clinic sells an oral form of GcMAF. Address: 6-14-17 Kinndachou, Moriguchi-shi, Osaka 570-0011, Japan. Phone: +81 (0)6-6902-5251. GcMAF Research
Dr. Leonard Coldwell – Every type of cancer can be cured in weeks. DrLeonardColdwell.com
Linda Issaacs, MD, Internal Medicine. Worked with the late Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez using minerals, vitamins, antioxidents, nutrition protocals based on Dr. Kelley’s work, coffee enemas, and other alternative cancer therapies to help people heal. She continues this work. GONZALEZ ISAACS Clinic,
36 E 36th St Ste 204, New York City, NY 10016. (212) 213-3337
German New Medicine – Dr. Hamer found most cancers could be traced back to a severe psychological and emotional trauma. https://www.germannewmedicine-au.com/index.php/the-german-new-medicine-australia/5-biological-laws
Nicholas Gonzalez, MD reveals the truth about chemotherapy
What Vitamins and Supplements You Might Need!
Sanitas Radio – Part 1 of 2- What Should I Eat? Metabolic Typing for Optimum Nutrition & Health. Read his books on the Gonzalez Nutritional Protocol
Dr. Tullio Simoncini, MD, PhD – Oncologist and Pioneer in Sodium Bicarbonate Therapy. His cure for cancer is based on his findings that cancer is a fungus, candida. Specializes in Diabetology, Metabolic Disorders.
Rome, Italy. (+39) 335294480 (cell). Email: [email protected]
www.curenaturalicancro.org Cancer cure by Dr. Tullio Simoncini
The Truth about Cancer – Series of interviews with doctors, researchers and cancer patients. Learn about many forms of cancer, prevention, treatment protocols, clean foods and cancer free diets, herbs, …. thetruthaboutcancer.com
youtube 2 hour video #1 Youtube video #2
Cell Phones and Privacy
Joe Rogan Experience #1368 – Edward Snowden (American whistleblower who copied & leaked highly classified info from the National Security Agency in 2013 when he was a Central Intelligence Agency employee and subcontractor). In this Youtube video, Snowden shares how we are being spied on through our cell phones. He is author of the book “Permanent Record” .
State of the Nation – Is this explosion of NYC coronavirus cases because of the intensive 5G roll-out? The Wuhan Virus And 5G 60 GHz Are Binary Weapons;
Millennium Report – Wuhan coronavirus pandemic STAGED to cover-up the public health crisis caused by the intensive 5G roll-out in Wuhan in 2019
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny on the PREP Act & Injection Fraud. Special Solari Report. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Q6fm1-fwgM
Dr Robert O Young and Sacha Stone
Dr Zack Bush – London Real: Zach Bush – Our COVID-19 Assumptions Are Wrong
Zach Bush on COVID 19, glyphosate, and the nature of viruses. Proactive Amidst This Crisis
Dental Care
Dottox – www.dottox.com Comprehensive articles about dental care services and products including implants; Gingivitis treatment, home and natural remedy, causes and symptoms of gum disease; Periodontal disease or periodontitis: treatments, symptoms, causes and natural remedies; Flexible partial dentures or nylon denture: cost, problems and advantages. Periodontal pocket: treatment, procedures and cost to reduce gum pockets depth
Dowsers perceive subtle energies to get answers, information, and transform energy. They use their skills to find where to drill for water, lost objects & people, noxious energies, and more. The earth is crisscrossed by lines of energy –some beneficial, others harmful to humans, animals, and plants. These lines pass through our homes & offices, and can create energy disturbances in the space, causing physical dis-ease in us, over time. Geopathic Stress, a form of toxic energy exists around underground moving water. Skilled dowsers can clear toxic energies and/or transform them into healthier forms.
Adhi Two Owls
(267) 884-4252 http://thenewglobalshaman.com/
Email: [email protected]
American Society of Dowsers
802-684-3417 http://www.dowsers.org
Bill Getz, Water Dowser
(518) 872-2029 or (518) 522-9149 cell; 239 Webster Road, Schoharie NY 12157. [email protected] http://getzgoodwater.com/
Joe Gleason, Ecos Geomantic Design & Construction
Custom Designed Devices. Services can be performed onsite or remotely. 4948 Lake St, Bridport, Vermont 05734.
(802) 758-2597 [email protected]
Maria Mihok, Earth Healer
Land that has been strip mined, deforested, subjected to dumping, chemicals, and conflict in the past, can remain energetically toxic for years, even after the physical clean up. Maria specializes in clearing land. Every place has a unique energetic resonance, that requires it’s own unique solution. 1903 Montford Drive, Forest Hill, MD 21050
(443) 876-9354
[email protected]
Mohawk-Hudson Dowsers
Meets once a month to share knowledge about subtle energy, healing, dowsing, to help people learn how to dowse and to help them enhance their skills. Guest speakers, field trips. Members located throughout the Capital Region in Upstate New York, Vermont, and Massachusetts. Contact Pete Voss, Sec/Treas: [email protected] (518) 703-0035
Emergency Survival and Preparedness
The Organic Prepper
BioDefense.com – FREE online audio course by Mike Adams, Health Ranger, detailing pandemic preparedness strategies for survival.
EMFs, Environmental Health & Electromagnetic Sensitivity
Electromagnetic Sensitivity – wireless exposures are multiplying. If you are sick and you DON’T KNOW WHY, you may be sensitive to EMFs. Toxic radiation (energy) exists around appliances, electrical wires, cell towers, and anything that runs on electricity.
Biohealthy Homes – Scot Appert, building biologist. Mitigation and healthy ecological building services for homeowners. www.biohealthyhomes.com
Building Biology Institute – Classes in indoor environmental health hazzasrds, free online videos, resources, list of experts. (866) 960-0333 [email protected] buildingbiologyinstitute.org/free-videos/
Magda Havas, PhD – Extensive Biological Effects of Electromagnetic fields (EMF), 5G, and electromagnetic radiation (EMR) on health, rise of “electro-hypersensitivity”, and solutions to safe guard yourself and home. https://magdahavas.com/
Ray Broomhal, Barrister-at-Law, Australia – legal processes used to halt planned and/or erected 4G/5G cell towers & facilities. https://emrlegaleducation.com/
Jason Bawden-Smith, BAppSc, MSc – Dysfunctional Mitochondria by EMFs. Dysfunctional mitochondria is associated with almost all chronic diseases. Improving your mitochondrial function may prevent and reverse chronic diseases. Sells Blue Blocking Glasses. https://mitohq.com/
Timothy Schoechle, PhD – Re-Inventing Wires: The Future of Landlines and Networks. Using Fiber Optics Instead of wireless. A safer alternative for 5G technology.
Wireless Education.org – Delivers education to ensure wireless technology is used safely at home, in schools, in public places and at work.
End of Life
The Twilight Brigade – A large end-of-life care community operating as an independent agency within VA hospitals and hospice care facilities across America. Chairman, Dannion Brinkley. National Headquarters: The Twilight Brigade, 2870 Hwy 326 Commerce, GA 30530. 706-423-9675 http://thetwilightbrigade.com/
Energy Healing
Techniques and methods to clear disruptive influences from your energy field; restore energies that have become weak, disturbed, or out of balance; keep your energies balanced & flowing; improve your health, sharpen your mind. Energy work uses altered or multi-perceptual states of consciousness, visualization, meditation, frequencies, sound, vibration — to obtain knowledge, transform and heal, and create a more resilient body & emotional state.
Donna Eden, Energy Medicine Institute
Workshops, Certification Programs
(541) 482-1800
PO Box 213 Ashland, OR 97520
[email protected] www.innersource.net
Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) – Gary Craig, founder. A meridian tapping system to relieve physical and emotional pain, release negative emotions, improve performance, cure disease, aid in weight loss, and more. Tapping key acupressure points you relieve tension, stress, anxiety, and clear trauma, phobias, fear, anger, low self esteem… Intro Video at Tapping.com
Optimal EFT – A form of EFT that does not involve tapping or investigative work. In Optimal EFT, an unseen Therapist is called on to resolve problems. The results may have deeper results in less time. Explore the process, watch a few videos and try it: http://optimal-eft.emofree.com No previous experience with EFT needed.
Fe Murray, RN, MSN, Reiki Master. Integrates Acupressure, Lymphatic massage, Cranial-Sacral Therapy, Chakra work, Energy Med, spiritual assessment & counseling, nutrition. Los Angeles & Orange County, CA. www.rnhealthhelp.com 714-335-1913 Email: [email protected]
Laura Koniver, MD
Intuitive information combined with medical knowledge
Skin contact with the Earth (aka grounding or earthing) provides health benefits for anybody. Go barefoot.. no amount of grounding is too little & the effects are instantaneous. Standing on a conductive surface, transmits a constant stream of electrons, which flow from the surface of the Earth, which neutralize the disease-causing free-radicals lurking in our bodies, from environmental toxins, be they chemical or electromagnetic. www.intuition-physician.com
Tulku Lobsang, Lu Jong Tibetan Healing Yoga
Youtube Tulku Lobsang 1
Youtube Tulku Lobsang 2
Youtube Tulku Lobsang 3
Matrix Energetics – Light touch and focused intent is used for transformation − changing your beliefs on healing, disease and the structure of reality. www.matrixenergetics.com
Stephen Pollitt, Founder, Source Energy Research – Source Energy Medicine “charging” labels and Stephen’s book, Heal Thyself, are available as free downloads from his website. Source Energy Medicine P.O. Box 26 Indian Hills, Co 80454
[email protected]
SRC4U, Grand Master David Harris, Shun Shen Tao Martial Art System. Qi Gong enhancement computer software www.src4you.com
Judith A. Swack Ph.D., Healing From the Body Level Up
The unconscious mind runs most of our life and carries damage patterns that we unintentionally act out. These damage patterns can come from trauma, dysfunctional family systems, cultural and religious brainwashing, etc. Clear unconscious self-sabotage patterns. (781) 444-6940 Email: [email protected] www.hblu.org
Jack Treiber, Energy for Health & Healing
Energy Advisor – A high level energy worker, Jack can feel energy that is out of balance. His unique approach to working with the body’s energies, incorporates Energy Medicine & EFT to help address physical, emotional & behavioral issues (even of a longstanding nature), and grid work. (518) 225-4692
Saratoga Springs and Clifton Park, NY
[email protected]
21st Century Qi Gong Therapy with Ashida Kim
Reference Books & Courses
Beverly P. Massey, CBP, PaRama BT – BodyTalk Practitioner
Get to the core of your problem using neuromuscular biofeedback. The practitioner gets a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answer to any question that is asked of the body. The body’s innate wisdom serves as an accurate guide to the body-mind’s requirements for optimum health and healing. Wimberley, TX 78676 (Between Austin & San Antonio)
512-847-7402 E-mail: [email protected]
More BodyTalk Info: www.bodytalksystem.com
Maria D. Michael, PhD – Medical and Psychological Intuitive Counseling, LENS Neurofeedback and Neurolinguistic Programming. She has doctorate-level training in Neuropsychology and Special Education and post-doctoral studies in Psychoanalysis & Jungian Psychology. Lakota/Navajo traditional elder sought out worldwide for her powerful Medicine Energies and healing abilities. [email protected] (720) 731-2526 www.drmariamichael.com
Food & Farming
Eco-Agriculture News www.acresusa.com
The Cornucopia Institute Great source for truthful consumer information on agricultural issues. Supports sustainable and organic agriculture through research, investigation, and education. P.O. Box 126 Cornucopia, Wisconsin 54827 http://www.cornucopia.org/
[email protected] 608.625.2000
LocalHarvest, Inc. The best organic food is what’s grown closest to you. Find farmers’ markets, family farms, sources of sustainably grown food in your area; buy produce, grass-fed meats, seeds, etc.http://www.localharvest.org/
Mike Adams, Health Ranger Natural News www.naturalnews.com
The Bovine Raw Milk & other food Issues-
ATTRA – National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service
P.O. Box 3838, Butte, MT 59702. (800) 346-9140. www.attra.ncat.org/index.php
Regional Farm & Food Project Billie Best, Board of Directors P.O. Box 8628, Albany, NY 12208 518-271-0744 http://www.farmandfood.org
The True Food Network The Center for Food Safety 2601 Mission St, Suite 803 San Francisco, CA 94110 (415) 826-2770 [email protected]
Weston A. Price Foundation
PMB 106-380, 4200 Wisconsin Ave., NW, Washington DC 20016
(202) 363-4394 [email protected]
Where is Your Milk From? http://whereismymilkfrom.com/#
Institute for Responsible Technology, https://responsibletechnology.org/
P O Box 469, Fairfield, IA 52556. Phone: 641-209-1765 [email protected]
Functional Medicine
Determines how and why illness occurs and restores health by addressing the root causes of disease for each individual. Looks at food sensitivities, environmental toxins, and the development of autoimmune diseases.
Dr. Mark Hyman, Functional Medicine doctor Focuses on optimal functioning of the body to address the underlying causes of disease. Health videos on Youtube. http://drhyman.com/
Tom O’Bryan, DC, CCN, DACBN – – Functional Medicine educator. He has trained and certified tens of thousands of practitioners around the world in advanced understanding of the impact of wheat sensitivity and the development of individual autoimmune diseases. Founder of TheDr.com, a clinic helping patients with chronic disease, metabolic disorders, degenerative diseases, better cognitive function, EMF and wireless radiation, lab testing, nutritional supplements.
Geomantic Design & Construction (Green Building)
Geomancy is the science of putting human habitats and activities in harmony with the visible and invisible world around us. It is used for placement and design of buildings and other structures; provides the most cost effective solutions for elimination of unhealthy levels of toxins (mold, hazardous EMF’s) in a home or workplace.
Joe Gleason, Master Geomancer, Ecos Geomantic Design & Construction
Uses materials & resources that are extremely low maintenance, low impact and provide a superior level of energy efficiency for heating and cooling . He designs: Attached Greenhouse, Grey Water Recycling in a botanical cell, Living Roof, Earthquake Resistance, Atrium, Off-Grid or Net-Metered Power, Rainwater Harvesting, and Electromagnetic Field (EMF) Abatement. 4948 Lake St, Bridport, Vermont 05734 (802) 758-2597 [email protected]
Alanna Moore, Geomantica Permaculture, Dowsing & Geomancy. Edible landscape design using subtle energies. PO Box 929, Castlemaine 3450 Australia. http://www.geomantica.com/index.htm
Health Services and News
GreenMedInfo – Natural health therapies and threats to our health; Excellent databases of information; videos and free newsletter. http://www.greenmedinfo.com/ https://tinyurl.com/censorshipfreegmi newsletter: https://www.greenmedinfo.com/newsletter
HealthLine Now Radio Show with Nutritionist Dr. Bob Marshall – Recordings exploring immune system, energy levels, skin health, digestion, female health, joint health, and supplements. Co-founder of Quantum Nutrition Labs. 800-370-3447 https://qnlabs.com/
Dr. Joseph Mercola – Natural health articles, videos, supplements. https://www.youtube.com/c/mercola/playlists
Jean’s Greens – Herbs, Medicinals, Ayurvedic Powders, Teas, Extracts, Oils. 26 Mall Way Store 20, West Sand Lake, NY 12196. (518) 479-0471
Amy Cason, Herbalist, owner, Thyme in a Bottle. A wealth of knowledge and experience she shares through home consultations, walks, talks, classes and personalized tea salves and lotions. (518) 681-9950 [email protected]
Hernia Surgery
Dr. David Grischkan, Independence Surgery Clinic, Cleveland, Ohio or
Commerce Professional Center 24025 Commerce Park Road, Beachwood, Ohio 44122. (216) 591-1422 Toll-Free: 1-800-MD4-HERNias
www.herniasurgeries.com [email protected]
Humesh Dalpatram Kapitan, HD, ND, Unionville Holistic Health Ctr 317 Renfrew Drive, Suite 102 Markham, Ontario, Canada L3R 9S8 Phone: (905) 305-8260 Email:[email protected]
MD In Your Hand – Homeopathic remedy’s for acute conditions. Their products, called eRemedies, are electronic extractions of homeopathic remedies obtained directly from FDA approved pharmacies. They are delivered to you in digitized MP3 files – the same format as music. The remedy’s use nanoclusters that radiate energy through sound. Coherence Apps LLC, 459 Monterey Ave, Ste 205, Los Gatos, CA 95030-5302. [email protected].
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT)
Dr. Paul Harch – Hyperbaric Medicine expert with 30+ years of experience. Dr. Harch administers scientifically based and precise treatment plans, and has documented improvements in brain injury and neurological cases treating patients with HBOT. 5216 Lapalco Blvd, Marrero, LA. (504) 309 4948 https://hbot.com/ [email protected]
Intuitive Consults/Psychic Training
Readers access expanded states of awareness, tapping into vast sources of information. They perceive and receive information in various ways. A Clairvoyant sees visions. A Clairsentient obtains direct knowledge or senses the information through their feelings (having a “knowing” feeling about something). Clairaudience is the ability to hear information. These skills and sensitivity can be learned & developed, enabling anyone to experience higher levels of consciousness that are beyond time-space. Like the Shaman and Medicine Man, Psychics use a form of telepathy to connect and communicate with non-physical forces, entities, spirits (fields of energy/consciousness). Readings in-person or remotely by phone.
Marina Petro – Intuitive Training Workshops & Consultations – Useful Information & Insight – Marina’s abilities include clairvoyance, clairaudience and clairsentience. She offers exceptional, accurate readings; expedites creative solutions; and can help you restore harmony to your life, address concerns and questions, and accelerate your growth and development. P O Box 159, Saratoga Springs, NY 12866
(518) 583-7280 www.marinapetro.com
[email protected]
Jelaila Starr, Psychic/Intuitive The Nibiruan Council
[email protected]
Learning Centers
Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual Organization
2207 E Busch Blvd, Tampa, FL 33612
(813) 987-2525 [email protected]
Drunvalo Melchizedek, c/o One Heart Productions
Living in the Heart Workshops, Spiritual Journey’s
PO Box 687 , Sedona, Arizona 86339. (928) 204–0741
[email protected]
Earth Intelligence Network – teaches individuals and organizations how to use holistic analytics, true cost economics, and open source everything engineering, to create open ethical intelligence (decision support) in support of strategic, operational, tactical, and technical decisions, courses of action, and investments. Contact Robert David Steele [email protected] https://earth-intelligence.org/
Esalen Institute
55000 Highway 1, Big Sur, CA 93920-9616
[email protected].
Foundation for Gaian Studies – Sacred Plant Medicine Stephen Harrod Buhner, Trishuwa or Julie McIntyre 8 Pioneer Road, Silver City NM 88061 (505) 538-5498 www.gaianstudies.org [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
FreakSense TV – Charlie Freak – Game Over for the Cabal: The Takedown of the Cabal From A to Z Santos Bonacci: The Hijacking of the English Language into Legalese The Innerstanding Spirituality Show #7 – Coagulation Ascension There’s One Thing You are Forgetting About Donald Trump
Holos University
Doctoral Programs in Energy Med & Spiritual Healing. (888) 272-6109 www.hugs-edu.org 5607 S. 222nd Road, Fair Grove MO, 65648
Monterey Bay Aquarium – https://www.montereybayaquarium.org/ Seafood Watch – Which seafood items are Best Choices or Good Alternatives, and which ones to Avoid. Northeast Consumer Guide July-Dec 2020. Email Seafood Watch
Omega Institute
General: (845) 266-4444. 150 Lake Drive, Rhinebeck, NY 12572. www.eomega.org
Workshop Registration: (800) 944-1001 [email protected]
Peace Village of Brahma Kumaris
Weekend workshops in spiritual awareness, meditation, and practical application of spirituality. 54 O’Hara Rd, PO Box 99, Haines Falls, NY 12436. (518) 589-5000 http://peacevillageretreat.org
Prager University Conservative nonprofit that is focused on changing minds through the creative use of digital media. Learn for free. Watch over 100 videos that have been restricted / suppressed by YouTube. https://www.prageru.com/
Sanctuary For Independent Media
Training in Media Production; Screening, Production & Performance Facilities. 3361 6th Ave, PO box 35, Troy, NY 12181. (518) 272-2390
[email protected]
Alan Watts ~ You are NOT Who You Think you are; The TRUTH about TIME; Veil That Conceals Reality
Legal Services and Law
BarnesLaw – Attorney Robert Barnes is a Criminal Tax, Constitutional Law, and Civil Rights Lawyer, licensed to practice throughout the world. Robert Barnes specializes in tax fraud and free speech law. One of the winningest lawyers. (213) 330-3341 . 601 South Figueroa Street, Suite 4050, Los Angeles, CA 90017 [email protected] https://www.barneslawllp.com
Children’s Health Defense – Exposing causes, seeking justice, research, and protection of children’s health. Issues include vaccines, vaccine safety, neurotoxins, environment, government corruption, media and media issues. Founded by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Chairman of the Board, and Chief Legal Counsel for Children’s Health Defense. Many facts on their website. https://childrenshealthdefense.org/
Judicial Watch – A conservative non-partisan educational foundation promoting transparency, accountability, & integrity in government. judicialwatch.org , Judicial Watch Verified account @JudicialWatch ; @TomFitton
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr – Lawyer, President of Waterkeeper Alliance, Founder, Chairman of the Board, and Chief Legal Counsel for Children’s Health Defense, and of counsel to Morgan & Morgan, a nationwide personal injury practice. RFK Jr says Dr. Fauci and Bill Gates stand RFKJr. warns parents about danger of COVID Vaccines. Berlin conference Int’l Message for Freedom and Hope
Tom Renz – Attorney for COVID-19 litigation, defending your civil rights, estate planning, elder law issues, non-profits and business start-ups, advocating for state and national legislative and regulatory reforms. Renz Law & Consulting, 1907 W State St #162, Fremont, OH 43420. 419-351-4248. [email protected] [email protected] https://renz-law.com
Lyme Disease
Lyme Disease is an infection caused by a spirochete bacteria, often transmitted by tick bite. The chronic infection can affect every organ in the body and cause serious, disabling symptoms and sometimes death. The International Lyme and Associated Diseases Society (ILADS) urge people who suspect they have Lyme to seek treatment from a physician experienced in interpreting Lyme test results, who knows all the signs and symptoms, with knowledge of research on this disease, and understanding of the need for more aggressive treatment of people who are ill after a conservative course of treatment. They support ongoing treatment until symptoms are resolved and the patient is well.
Healers Who Share – vibrational remedies. Highly recommended by Alternative health practitioners. Westminster, CO
303-428-4584 www.Healerswhoshare.com
Stephen Buhner’s Lyme Aid – http://buhnerhealinglyme.com
Tim Scott, L.Ac Lyme Literate Practitioner 62 Elliot Street Brattleboro, VT 05301 802-251-0888
Tedde Rinker, MD Lyme, Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, Adrenal Fatigue 2055 Woodside Road, Suite 160 Redwood City, CA 94061 650-367-1988 fax 650-367-1903 www.stress-medicine.com
Sarah Gardner, LAc. Lyme Literate Practitioner 14720 107th Way SW Vashon, WA 98070 (206) 940-8802
Julie McIntyre Lyme Literate Practitioner
8 Pioneer Rd Silver City, NM, 505-538-5498 [email protected]
Massage / Body Work
Ordinary physical and emotional stress creates imbalance in the body. Imbalances may manifest as pain, anxiety, depression, sore muscles, PMS symptoms…. Manually stretching, moving & manipulating the muscles and connective tissue through massage & body treatments help bring your body back to a balanced state. Helpful for pain relief, stress reduction, detoxifying the body & supporting your immune system
M’elle Pirri-Lee, Adirondack Myofascial Release – Licensed Physical Therapist and advanced Myofascial Release practitioner. limited mobility. Myofascial Release (MFR) as developed by John Barnes has been consistently effective in the treatment of: neck and back pain, fibromyalgia, TMJ dysfunction, migraines, knee and shoulder problems, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, orthopedic, sports and neurologic injuries, limited mobility, Irritable Bowel Syndrome and other digestion/elimination problems, pelvic floor dysfunction and menstrual problems, urinary incontinence and frequency problems. 62 Beekman Street, Saratoga Springs, NY 12866. (518) 225-1440 [email protected] http://www.adirondackmyofascialrelease.com/home
Anne Snyder, NYS LMT. Best Melt Method Instructor in the region! Learn breakthrough hand and foot self-treatment to Eliminate your Chronic Pain, erase signs of aging, and feel fantastic in just 10 minutes a day! Also offering therapeutic traditional massage, CranioSacral Therapy, Reiki, Reflexology Plus, and Hawaiian Temple Bodywork (Lomi Lomi). 1 1/2 Hour Session: $100.00 . 15 West Main Street, Cambridge, NY. 12816. (518) 796-8233 [email protected]@me.com
Terry Fluri, LMT. – Relaxing, rejuvenating massage.
A Peaceful Place Wellness Center
1404 Route 9, Clifton Park, NY 12065. (518) 371-2225
[email protected]
Rev. Kweli Ya-Saleem, LMT Massage Therapy & Aromatherapy Swedish Massage for relaxation, Deep Tissue Massage for breaking up knots, tightness and tension. The Art of Touch Massage Therapy and Bodywork Alternative Health Services, 410 Troy-Schenectady Rd, Latham, NY (518) 785- 8700 (518) 755-4587 [email protected]
Paul D. Jensen, Jr., MS, LMT, CHEK III, Neuromuscular Therapy, and Strength & Conditioning for Athletes. Paul offers a comprehensive program of soft tissue manipulation techniques to bring balance between your nervous system (brain, spinal cord, nerves), musculoskeletal system (muscles, bones), and visceral system (organs). Most pain originates from the muscular system, and Paul’s techniques are excellent for Head Aches, Migraines, Scoliosis, TMJ, Back Pain, Neck Pain, Fibromyalgia, Hip Pain, and much more. Albany Therapeutic Massage & Sports Performance Center 17 Computer Drive E, Albany, NY 12205 (518) 438-2321 [email protected]
Center for Natural Wellness School of Massage Therapy Red Pines Training Center 3 Cerone Commercial Dr, Albany, NY 12205 (518) 489-4026 489-4068 (clinic) www.cnwmassage.com
Movement / Energy / Exercise
Peter Guare, BS, Human HyperFormance – The best in the area if you need to Improve Performance and or Reduce Stress! Clients range from elite athletes to 80-90 year olds looking to maintain and improve their quality of life. Resistance Stretching, Strength Training, and EFT, Optimal Breathing Development and more. 14 Saratoga Road, Suite 7, Scotia, NY 12302. 518-727-6233 [email protected] www.humanhyperformance.com
Nia Classes with Laura Bulatao – The Patrizio Center for the Arts, 5 First Ave, Latham, NY 12110. (518) 713-4550 (518) 785-4383 [email protected]
Zy Qigong – Grandmaster Mingtang Xu, 5th Floor, №.12 Meishuguan Houjie, Dongcheng District, Beijing 100010, China. Phone: +8610-52182390. Research and general questions: [email protected]
[email protected]
Education: [email protected]
Website: www.kundawell.com
Zy Qigong – Mark teaches in Tucson – Mark has been following Mintang Xu since 2002 and became a private student in 2004. He is one of only a select few that teach level 3 in the US. He is also an image therapist. [email protected] (520) 404-8745
Music is a range of frequencies known to relax and reduce anxiety, affect blood pressure, heart rate, help digestion, and raise your vibration.
Earth’s Schumann resonance A=432 Hz vs. standard concert pitch A=440. Sound Travels, 432 Hz, a new standard pitch?
432 Hz – Unearthing the Truth Behind Nature’s Frequency
Wake Up World, The A=432 Hz Frequency: DNA Tuning & the Bastardization of Music
The Vantage Quest VI (CD) A Brain wave entrainment tool for personal growth, higher creativity and deep trance work by Carlisle Bergquist. Produces powerful shifts in awareness using harmonics. The CD can be used to enhance your creativity, increase intuitive ability, manifest, have an out of body experience, or complement your healing. Price: $25.00
First Nation/Metis Hybrid Music
Joseph Naytowhow, Singer/Songwriter/Percussionist Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
Nikamok (CD) by Joseph Naytowhow (woodland cree) and Cheryl L’hirondelle: Spiritual rhythms and sounds one would hear within the social and ceremonial circles. It is referred to as contemporary First Nation/Metis hybrid music. Drum & rattle rhythms mixed with cree language (nêhiyawêwin) & english lyrics in two part harmonies. Price: $18.00 [email protected]
Holland’s got talent – Amira Willighagen sings opera http://www.youtube.com/embed/ZWpLfncliwU?rel=0
Music of Tsering Lodoe with Don Paris
Tibetana and Tibetana II www.rolyang.com
Harmando, WRPI 91.5 FM, Troy, NY. (518) 276-6248. A Variety of great music – Folk / Americana / Jam Band / Blues/ Bluegrass / Rock / and talk. Every morning from 7am to 11:30am. (off the air during COVID-19)
In The Spirit, Gary Goldberg. WRPI 91.5 FM, Troy, NY. (518) 276-6248. Relaxing Religious / Spiritual / Cultural / Chant music.
Thurs. 11am – 2pm, Eastern Time. Streamed “live” on www.wrpi.org
[email protected]
Nano Technology
How to Make an AntiNano Bucket Device – Herbalist Tony Pantalleresco –
Naturopathic Medicine Schools
Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine 2140 E. Broadway Rd., Tempe, AZ 85282 (888) 882-7266 (480) 858-9100 Fax: (480) 858-9116 www.scnm.edu/ [email protected]
Southwest Naturopathic Medical Center 8010 E. McDowell Rd. #111, Scottsdale, AZ 85257 (480) 970-0000 www.scnm.edu/
[email protected]
The Natural Medicinary
8010 E. McDowell Rd. #112, Scottsdale, AZ 85257 (480) 970-0001
www.scnm.edu/ [email protected]
Southwest College Research Institute
2140 E. Broadway Rd., Tempe, AZ 85282 (480) 858-9100
www.scnm.edu/ [email protected]
University of Bridgeport
(800) 392-3582 www.bridgeport.edu/ub/nm/
Newsmax – Honest news. https://www.newsmax.com/
NEXUS MAGAZINE – Bi-monthly alternative news – health breakthroughs, future science and technology, suppressed news, free energy, conspiracy, ancient mysteries, UFOs, paranormal PO Box 30, Mapleton Qld 4560 Australia phone: +61 (0)7 5442 9280 fax: +61 (0)7 5442 9381 [email protected] http://www.nexusmagazine.com
One American News Network – Honest news. https://www.oann.com/
Dustin Nemos – Researcher who presents info from a place of genuine thought and care for the well being of people, in a social/political climate of hostilities. Q – Pentagon Resignation, Ukraine Drops Bomb on Biden
Simon Parkes – https://www.simonparkes.org
Phi Beta Iota Public Intelligence Blog, The truth edited by Robert David Steele. https://phibetaiota.net/
Jeffrey Prather, veteran of the DEA and the 4th Psychological Operations Group (Army Special Forces). Communists have infiltrated our schools, churches, news media, entertainment industry, city, local, state and federal, executive, judicial and legislative governments have all been infiltrated, bought-off, blackmailed, brainwashed, extorted and turned against us. “We are being censored, lied to, threatened bullied and intimidated to submit to the evil of godless, faithless total slavery of behavior and even thought. Ways to prepare for social unrest that may be inevitable. https://jeffreyprather.com
Project Veritas Action, James O’Keefe – projectveritas.com
Investigates and exposes corruption, dishonesty, self-dealing, waste, fraud, other misconduct in public and private institutions. 1214 West Boston Post Road, No. 148, Mamaroneck, NY 10543. (914) 908-2300
Jon Rappoport – free-lance investigative reporter on deep politics, media, culture, conspiracies, alternative health, potential of human imagination, mind control, the medical cartel, symbology, and solutions to the takeover of the planet by hidden elites. www.nomorefakenews.com
Greg Reese – With our liberties under attack on social media, Greg produces videos, livestreams, and insightful summations on today’s important topics: https://www.subscribestar.com/greg-reese; Big Pharma, Forced Vaccinations, And Population Control; The Suspicious relationship between FACEBOOK And The CIA
Rumble – https://rumble.com – Replaces Youtube for a censorship free source of videos.
Mike Ruppert, was an Investigative Reporter, Whistle Blower – who wrote about Energy, Peak Oil, Ethanol, CIA Drug Dealing, Iraqi War, Iraqi Oil. Max Keiser, financial war reports, sponsors this site: http://www.maxkeiser.com/2014/04/mike-ruppert-rip/
Shepherdsheart.life – Celeste Solum, a former FEMA employee, highlights Persistent Extinction Level Events Convergence, new Rules of War, Ghostly Cosmic Rays shooting up through Antarctica, Spiritual Warfare… https://shepherdsheart.life/
Spiro Skouras –The Great Reset Plan Revealed: How COVID Ushers In The New World Order
John Solomon, Investigative journalist – https://muckrack.com/jsolomonreports
SGT Report – Source for truth in a time of universal deceit. Interviews with top economics and precious metals experts, covering global economic shifts, the deteriorating global financial system, end of US Dollar as the world’s reserve currency. https://www.sgtreport.com/ Electronic vote fraud researcher and expert Russell Ramsland dissects the criminal fraud, evidence for which the mainstream media claims does not exist
Thrive Movement – Spiritual Perspective of World Affairs. http://www.thrivemovement.com/
Truth and Art TV – Big picture of global corruption and the plan by the deep state to overthrow the sovereignty of Nation States and the individual. http://truthandarttv.com/
Viva Frei – Legal News. Hunter Biden Scandal, & What is Means for Joe Biden – Viva & Barnes HIGHLIGHT. Project Veritas SUING NYT for Defamation DOJ Confirms Flynn Evidence is “True & Correct”. David Freiheit, PO Box 292, Westmount, Quebec, Canada, H3Z 2T2.
Charlie Ward – https://DrCharlieWard.com
X22 Report – Researched facts, Political/Geopolitical Reports, economic collapse, backed up by source links. https://x22report.com/ [JB] Sends The Message, GSA Destroys MSM Election Call, Trump Counterpunch Coming
Central Communications Blackout, [Zero-Day], Rig For Red, Countermeasures In Place https://rumble.com/vbq34b-ep.-2349b-central-communications-blackout-zero-day-rig-for-red-countermeasu.html?mref=9ceev&mc=ewucg
Organic Food & Farming
David Yarrow, Organic & Sustainable Farming Consultant, Dowser
518-507-5335 [email protected]
skype: david.yarrow5 www.carbon-negative.us www.ancientforests.us www.nutrient-dense.info
Kerr Center for Sustainable Agriculture
24456 Kerr Road, Poteau, OK 74953. (918) 647-9123
[email protected] http://kerrcenter.com/ [email protected]
Organic Consumers Association 6771 South Silver Hill Drive, Finland MN 55603 Activist or Media Inquiries: 218-226-4164 Fax: 218-353-7652 www.organicconsumers.org
Organic Trade Association PO Box 547, Greenfield MA 01302 Shipping: 60 Wells Street, Greenfield MA 01301. (413) 774-7511 Fax: (413) 774-6432www.ota.com [email protected]
The Need To Grow – Environmental Movie –
Regional Farm & Food Project Billie Best, Board of Directors P.O. Box 8628, Albany, NY 12208 518-271-0744 http://www.farmandfood.org
Weston A. Price Foundation PMB 106-380, 4200 Wisconsin Ave., NW, Washington DC 20016 (202) 363-4394 [email protected] www.westonaprice.org www.westonaprice.org/soy/index.html www.realmilk.com
Peace Studies & Health Freedom Activists
Bethlehem Neighbors for Peace PO Box 473 Delmar, NY 12054 (518)439-1968 www.Bethlehemforpeace.org
Naropa University 2130 Arapahoe Ave, Boulder, CO 80302 (800) 772-6951 (303) 444-0202 fx: (303) 444-0410 www.naropa.edu [email protected]
World Future Council, USA Liasion 30 Cottage Street, Amherst, MA 01002 (413) 549-8118 Fax: (413) 549-0544 [email protected] www.worldfuturecouncil.org www.earthaction.org
World Future Council, Head Office, Germany P.O. Box 11 01 53 D-20401 Hamburg, Germany Tel: +49 (0) 40.3070 914-0 Fax: +49 (0) 40.3070 914-14 [email protected]www.worldfuturecouncil.org
Sanatana Sai Sanjeevini- Healing Fragrances system of Healing with prayers. http://www.saisanjeevini.org/welcome.htm
Agricultural Stewardship Association
Farmland Conservation, Washington County Region
28R Main St, Greenwich, NY 12834. (518) 692-7285
[email protected] www.agstewardship.org
Russell Ziemba, President, Historic Action Network
Save Historic Buildings. 1813 Highland Ave, Troy, NY 12180.
(518) 272-1539 [email protected]
Radio / Internet shows
Currents with Lucia Read
Explores subtle energies -such as dreams, intuitions, and synchronicities–with knowledgeable, fascinating guests www.blogtalkradio.com/currents
[email protected]
HealthyLife.Net Radio Network
Positive thought radio that help eliminate fear. Listen Live, Archives, Hosting opportunities http://www.healthylife.net/main.html
640 AM Talk Radio
Reiki – A Japanese technique for stress reduction, relaxation, and promoting healing. The Japanese word – Rei means “God’s Wisdom or the Higher Power” and Ki is “life force energy”. Reiki is “spiritually guided life force energy.”
Ruth Colianni, Reiki Master
Practices energy healing with Love and Compassion. Sessions are done over the phone. Box 198, Denali National Park, Alaska 99755. (907) 768-2252. [email protected]
Remote Viewers
Daz Smith – www.remoteviewed.com https://cryptoviewing.com/viewers/daz-smith/
Edward Riordan – www.erviewer.com
Dick Allgire – https://cryptoviewing.com/viewers/dick-allgire/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RJVqCWzlzGA
Rife Technology
Electroherbalism Info on healing modalities: naturopathic diet regimens, toxin avoidance and removal, herbs, vitamins, minerals, or other supplements; bioelectronic devices such as Rife-Bare generators, zappers, function generator pads, EMEMs, Tesla devices, and other energy or vibrational “medicine.” (Has Consolidated Annotated Frequency List CAFL – representing decades of worldwide frequency research) http://www.electroherbalism.com/
Lyme Disease and Rife Machines INFORMATIONAL WEBSITE Video, resources, book entitled:”Lyme Disease and Rife Machines” written by someone who cured himself. http://info.lymebook.com
Scalar Electro-Magnetics & Scalar Fields
Don Paris, PhD, Living From Vision – Lectures at Great Radionics Expo Part 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j6V-vTKHYHY&feature=youtu.be Part 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9O6gxB5v__E&list=UU93aGJiDk6bpzdDAQmnpzyw 360-387-5713 [email protected]
Shamanic Guidance, Ancient Wisdom & Healing
Shaman connect to the earth, nature, cosmos, and spirit world to obtain knowledge, transformation and healing. Working with seen and unseen realms of reality, Shaman create sacred space before proceeding to remove entities, thought forms, negative patterns and other energy disturbances that block a person’s ability to live a full and rewarding life.
Christine Hart, Shaman, MD – Emotional, genetic, and experiential history organizes energy, often leaving dense imprints in our luminous field. Heavy energies accumulate, interrupting energy flow and creating loss of emotional and physical health. When heavy energies are removed, your luminous field is able to re-pattern the body and soul back to wellness. Extraction (Crystallized & Intrusive Energies) – Some toxic energies crystallize and are not metabolized with Illumination. Psychological and physical problems may be caused, or exacerbated, by intrusive entities, producing anxiety, depression, and addictions. When they are extracted, healing can be rapid; Soul Retrieval – This process recovers aspects of our essential self that are lost as a result of pain or trauma. The practitioner retrieves those parts of ourselves that we have disowned, discovers the source of wounding, identifies thought patterns that are no longer useful, and reintegrates the lost soul part; Life & death Rites – This deep cleaning of the Luminous Energy Field helps one move from one situation to another by releasing emotional & psychological baggage that has accumulated around past experiences. Christine, a Board Certified Family Physician and Incan shamanic healer trained by the Four Winds Society. She uses Munay-Ki of the Q’ero with clients. Boulder, CO. (303)870-5419
[email protected]
Alberto Villoldo, The Four Winds Society Healing the Light Body School
Medicine Wheel, Munay-Ki, Soul Retrieval. Munay-Ki of the Peruvian Q’ero – 9 Great Rites of Initiation of the Medicine Way These are delivered in the form of energetic transmissions. The word munay means “I love you” or “Be as thou art.” The Munay-Ki are the codes for the new human who live free of fear and reside in his or her transcendent nature. The Q’ero are “People of the Light” who understand that our true essence is spirit. Spirit is energy, and our “luminous energy field” connects us with others, mother earth and the cosmos. It informs our bodies regarding physical health and our minds concerning mental health. It holds information about our life path – our “hero’s journey.” Rites of the Munay-Ki energize and realign our energy field to promote growth and healing. PO Box 680675, Park City, UT 84068-0675. Toll Free: (888) 437-4077 or (435) 647-5988
Consults: [email protected]
Classes: [email protected]
Adhi Two Owls, The New Global Shaman
Facilitates clearing & wellness using sound, Biomatrix wands, color balancing, & trans-etheric Healing. Remove what is blocking your growth. Sessions can be done in person or remotely.
Initial Consultation and Session: $275.00 Session: $150.00 (267) 884-4252. [email protected]
Carlisle Bergquist, Psychotherapist, Musician, Author
(785) 827-1835
Authored, The Coyote Oak: Burgeoning Wisdom, 2007. A compelling story… What happens when dreams, visions, and reality collide? We experience the interconnectedness of all life and personal transformation. A ‘spiritual,’ ‘mystical,’ ‘new science’ book for readers who want to experience ‘the light’ profoundly. This book entertains, inspires, informs, ‘in-lightens. If you liked Anastasia, you’ll love this book! Price: $19.95 [email protected]
Smart Grid, 5G (Also see EMFs)
EMF Safety Network
Cities Push Back as FCC Expedites Dangerous 5G Networks, March 15, 2019
How to oppose 5G “small cell” towers
Americans for Responsible Technology
Center For Electrosmog Prevention
Physicians for Safe Technology
Sound Healing
Dr. John Beaulieu, ND, PhD – composer, musician, psychologist, and naturopathic physician. Developed special aluminum alloy tuning forks tuned to precise mathematical formulas to tune the human being, effect the nervous system, consciousness and bring about a healing response via mindful listening. This is due in part to specific overtones and harmonics that his forks generate. He performs sound healing tuning fork concerts called Human Tune Ins™. His website includes information about sound healing, free downloads and a tuning fork store. https://biosonics.com Po Box 487 High Falls, NY 12440. 800-925-0159 [email protected]
Cymatics – The study of visible sound co-vibration. Usually, the surface of a plate or membrane is vibrated, and regions of maximum and minimum displacement are made visible in a thin coating of sand. Depending on the geometry of the plate and the frequency being played, different patterns emerge in the sand – See more at: http://www.forbiddenknowledgetv.com/videos/art/cymatic-music.html#sthash.bDbCrL7J.dpuf
Cymatics – http://www.forbiddenknowledgetv.com/videos/art/cymatic-music.htm
Fabien Maman, Academy of Sound, Color and Movement
2060 Las Flores Canyon Road Malibu, CA 90265
800-615-3675. [email protected] www.tama-do.com
Jack Stucki, RMT, BCIAC, Music Therapist, Bioluminator Imaging
When Other Therapies Fail, This is The Therapist To Call.Jack’s tools include a Prisma Unit™ music bed and Bioluminator. Successes with coma and pain patients using music therapy and self regulation, led him to open clinics and work with neurologists, an orthopedic surgeon, nutritionist, and physical therapists, plus MRI and EEG labs. Co-founded the Merkaba Research and Healing Center and taught Integrative Medicine for the U.C Medical School. He served as President of the Colorado Assoc. for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback. Jack believes intuition is our highest faculty. Guiding clients in their healing process, he shows them their potential for going by their gut feelings and working from the inside. Pain is never just physical — it always involves emotions, spiritual aspects and everything that surrounds it. PO Box 193, Beulah, Colorado 81023-0193. 719-485-3789 [email protected]
Steven Halpern, Inner Peace Music
222 Van Tassel Ct., San Anselmo, CA 94960
[email protected]
Tom Kenyon, Sound Healer, Teacher, Author, Musician
Sound Healer’s Training. Tom is my #1 pick for best sound healer/teacher in the world! He takes you into realms where you experience other dimensions and states of mind. His books, CDs, workshops are excellent. PO Box 98, Orcas, WA 98280. (360) 376-5781 PST
www.tomkenyon.com [email protected]
Spirit Rescue
Glen Johnson, Dowser and Spirit Rescue
Also dowses for water, lost animals and objects.
North Berwick, ME. (207) 676-4067
[email protected]
Tick Gaudreau, Dowser and Spirit Rescue
Troy, NY. [email protected]
Spiritual Empowerment
Wisdomsdoor – Author, Reality Creator Radio Show host, and creator of this incredible website, Tom (Hermes) offers wealth of information, library, http://wisdomsdoor.com/welcome.htm
Simon Parkes – Blog, website “Connecting Consciousness”, Uses his experience with aliens, shadow people, elementals and ufo’s, these include Mantis beings, Draconis Reptilian, Feline, Greys, Crystalline beings, etc. to educate and help people. https://www.simonparkes.org/
Knowledge of Today – Education should be a process of stimulating and awakening people at the core of their being …enabling them to sense reality.
Spiritual Dynamics Academy – Articles and free newsletter with metaphysical insights, techniques to develop intuitive intelligence, and guidance for those pursuing spiritual enlightenment. What Is Real? http://www.spiritualdynamics.net/articles/real Higher Consciousness, Finding Peace and Joy Above the Noise by Owen Waters
Technology for Wellness & Health
Electroherbalism – Info on healing modalities: naturopathic measures such as diet regimens, toxin avoidance and removal, herbs, vitamins, minerals, or other supplements; bioelectronic devices such as Rife and Rife-Bare generators, Hulda Clark zappers, function generator pads, EMEMs, Tesla devices, vibrational “medicine.” Has the Consolidated Annotated Frequency List CAFL – representing decades of worldwide frequency research) http://www.electroherbalism.com/
Don Paris, Living From Vision
SE-5 computer radionics instrument
P.O. Box 1530, Stanwood, WA 98292
360-387-5713 [email protected]
SOTA Instruments Inc., Lesley and Russ
Many of Bob Becks devices, Bio Tuner, Magnetic Pulser, Silver Pulser… [email protected]
SOTA Facebook www.sota.com
SRC4U – Qi Gong enhancement computer software
Plasma Healing / Theraphi Science – Updates with Dan Winter & Dr Cornelius Van Dorp
Theraphi v5 Unboxing and Setup
Theraphi Techniques:Psychology/Physics Charge Collapse & Breath Technique- w/Kate Forbes & Dan
Sounds and Theraphi For Brainwave Entrainment and Transcendental States of Conscious Awareness
PLASMA HEALING TECHNOLOGY – Theraphi in NYC 2016 -Wonderful Lecture by Paul Harris, Inventor of the Theraphi Device.
Electro Therapy Museum,Jeff Behary, Curator
Collection (over 200 items) of Tesla inventions
Testing Imbalances
Helps in early detection, correction, and prevention of illness-causing imbalances; testing medications and supplements. Information gained can be used to help you identify your issues & heal. You may have weaknesses & imbalances that haven’t physically shown up… yet.
Rose Ellen Biggers, RN, Sound Health Alternatives
Nutrition, bio-acoustics, Live Cell evaluation phase microscopy, and Orion Feedback System. 1502 Tuscaloosa Ave, Holly Hill , FL 32117
(386) 255-4687 [email protected]
Jack Treiber, Energy for Health & Healing Energy Evaluation, Strengthening, & Balancing – Detailed assessment of the condition of your energy centers (charkas), meridians, & energy flows. Find out the nature and location of energy imbalances, including weaknesses and excess energy, and any emotional energy resistance to feeling and getting better. Saratoga Springs and Clifton Park, NY. (518) 225-4692 [email protected]
Dr. Richard M. Delany, MD. FACC Comprehensive BioMeridian Testing, Cardiologist. Milton, MA. (617) 698-0715
[email protected]
- Dutchsinse – Best source for Earth changes news…. severe weather, weather modification, excellent, current monitoring of earthquakes worldwide, fracking, radio frequency, solar, and space events. Streaming on twitch: https://twitch.tv/dutchsinseofficial. Michael Janitch, an independent scientist has been researching / teaching topics related to geophysics, plasma physics, Meteorology, Geology, Seismology, Geoengineering, and other controversial theories.
- Elana Freeland Under An Ionized Sky https://www.facebook.com/groups/381617941986020/1163652473782559/
- Above Ground World News, Mike Morales – Weather Maps, storms, This Can’t Be Good, That Doesn’t Breathe Oxygen to Live
Writers from the Heart
- MicHEAL Teal, The Ancient One – Canada. http://www.writerscafe.org/oldman niagaraspiritualnexus.blogspot.com obliozero.blogspot.com architectsofanewdawn.ning.com/profile/TheAncientOne http://theoldman.tumblr.com